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Emerald Sod Farms T-1 Bentgrass Sod


Our experienced team at Emerald Sod Farms is dedicated to creating the highest performing and highest quality sod blends for our Colorado customers. We understand the weather patterns in this state are often unpredictable and the extreme high and low temperatures can wreak havoc on your sod if not created with resilience in mind. But our sod blends promise to be more than tough, they’re also beautiful.

The integrity of our T-1 Bentgrass Sod will hold up under aggressive wear and tear. That, combined with its fine texture and dark green color make our blend a must for your golf course. It will repair quickly from divots and traffic, and resist Poa annua, a common, low-growing turfgrass of much lower standards.

ESF T-1 Bentgrass Sod for Your Yard

At Emerald Sod Farms, we want our customers to be happy year-round with their choice in sod blend. We provide an array of turfgrass blends, only matched by our experience with, and knowledge about, each. While we love the aggressive nature and lush appearance of our T-1 creeping bentgrass, it may not be the best choice for your residential yard.

This bentgrass requires skill and expense for proper care and upkeep. However, we are proud to offer several other blends that work magic in residential settings, offering a stunning look and feel, with easy maintenance. 

If you’re interested in sod for your yard and are an active outdoor family, playing soccer, running your dogs, we recommend these ESF sod blends:

These blends are durable enough to support your high-traffic areas and look great doing it, but don’t necessitate an inordinate amount of time or financial investment for proper maintenance. 

Fitting Your Park or Commercial Areas With T-1 Bentgrass Sod 

Commercial areas come in many shapes and sizes, depending on the way this creeping bentgrass is used, it may be a good choice for your park or outdoor commercial space. We suggested speaking to one of our sod specialists to determine if our T-1 sod is a good, reliable choice. 

For most parks and active commercial areas, we recommend a sod that will work well in all weather conditions, as well as full sun, shade, and in high-traffic conditions. 

We are proud to offer our own custom blends that are durable and dependable, and look stunning in our Colorado parks and commercial areas: 

ESF T-1 Bentgrass Sod for Your Golf Course Greens, Tees, and Fairways

With so many reasons to use Emerald Sod Farms T-1 Creeping Bentgrass on your golf course, we wonder why you’d choose any other. This turfgrass performs under tense conditions. Whether it’s the stressful, extreme elements, high-traffic, divots, or overall chaos of the golf course, this sod blend will thrive. 

Offering a fighting, aggressive nature, weeds will be staved off as it looks stunning in the summer-temperature highs and cool, autumn-temperature lows. Its maintenance requirements are adaptable and some of the more sustainable of the golf course blends, consisting of frequent watering, mowing, aerating, and fertilizer.

Properly Irrigating Your Lawn – Tips from the Pros

Benefits of T-1 Bentgrass Sod Blend 

Our staff of sod experts understands how to nurture the best sod blends in the area. We know how to create them, how to support them, and how to educate you about them. Our turfgrasses will fight in our unreliable weather conditions while maintaining their good looks and appealing texture. 

Like all of our in-house sod blends, our T-1 bentgrass won’t disappoint. 

Sod that is Resistant to Disease

ESF T-1 Bentgrass blend is tough by design. It’s one of the most resistant to disease and weed infestation. This is merely one of the reasons it works so great on the fairways. If maintained correctly, this creeping bentgrass will stay healthy for years. 

Drought- and Heat-Tolerant

In Colorado, we’re known for our intense weather, hot sun, chilly freezes, and that’s just between noon and 5 pm. Our sod blends must tolerate the unpredictable nature of our weather patterns. Our T-1 blend does. Whether the air is dry and the sun is blazing or we’re receiving some much-needed humidity, your greens will look heavenly and perform at their peak. 

Endures Through Wear

Divots anyone? This sod will repair with ease, no matter how significant the traffic or uncommon the wear and tear. Its resilience is reliable and its consistent dark green color will stand up to all of it, too.

Using ESF T-1 Bentgrass Sod Blend

While the correct maintenance and lawn care is an essential part of keeping your greens looking and feeling great, this blend offers its own built-in strength to further that support. Our T-1 Bentgrass Sod Blend will give your greens competition-quality grass year-round.

T-1 sod will preserve its ferocious ground coverage under some difficult growing conditions and tough use. Like all of our in-house sod blends, we guarantee only the highest quality and create our turfgrass to surpass expectations. 

Speak to any of our sod professionals for more details on the correct uses of our Emerald Sod Farms blends.

Contact Emerald Sod Farms For Any of Your Sod Needs

Our sod team at Emerald Sod Farms would love the opportunity to aid you in your turfgrass choices and decisions. We will go over what blends will work best for your needs and overall turfgrass goals. We will happily support you through sod selection, installation, and can help you maintain it. 

Your sod should be of the best quality, offering the exact look and feel you want. Let us help you achieve your goals of a healthy, happy lawn, whether for your yard, your park, or any commercial space.

Contact our team of Denver sod specialists to learn more about our products and our services today.

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