Emerald Sod Farms grows its sod from seeds that are certified sod quality and certified weed, pest, disease free and annually inspected by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. The varieties selected for each of our ESF grass blends are the very best for the Denver Metro, Front Range and the Rocky Mountain Regions. There is no perfect sod for every need, but through the years Emerald Sod Farms continues to grow better turf grass sod by improving color, durability and finding varieties that are more disease-resistant and use less water and fertilizer. All of our sod is grown on sandy loam soil, which is ideal for promoting the health and vitality of our grasses and the success of your turf grass project.
We have put our ESF turf grass sod at elevations as high as 9,000 feet and as hot and dry as Shadow Creek Golf Course in Las Vegas. Emerald Sod Farms has worked on installations so steep that our installation crews had to use ropes to secure themselves as they laid the turf grass. We have even done installations on rooftops!
Emerald Sod Farms turf grass sod is harvested as small rolls of 10 square feet (2 ft x 5 ft) and large rolls of 250 square feet (2 ft x 125 ft). A pallet of sod contains 54 small rolls or 540 square feet. No project is too little or too large! Our largest project to date is five million square feet.
ESF is looking for that six million square foot project… so give us a call if you have one!


The ESF Bluegrass Blend consists of four different varieties/cultivar that are highly successful on research test sites and, more importantly, proven to perform well in the Rocky Mountain Region. These varieties provide the best there is to offer in natural dark green color, drought tolerance, disease resistance, shade tolerance, and density. Bluegrass comprises 90% of all turfgrass in use in the Rocky Mountain Region.
- Best Choice for Families with Children & Pets
- Best Use: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Municipal Golf Courses, Athletic Fields, Parks

ESF Texas Hybrid is a cross between Kentucky Bluegrass and Texas Bluegrass. It has a high traffic tolerance, especially in warm weather. Because of its extensive root system, it is heat and drought-resistant.
- Best Choice for Families with Children & Pets
- Best Use: Residential, Commercial, Athletic Fields, Parks, Golf Courses

The ESF Fescue/Bluegrass Blend combines the two different cultivars for specific uses to take advantage of each one’s strengths.
- Best Choice for Residential, Commercial, Athletic Fields
- Best Use: Some Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Municipal, Roughs for Golf Courses

ESF Low Mow Fairway Sod is a blend of ESF Bluegrass that is mowed/trained to a height of 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch. It is used on golf course fairways, athletic fields, or for those who just want a different look. It performs well, from the high altitudes and thin air of the mountains to the heat and dryness of the desert.
- Best Choice for Some Residential, Parks, Athletic Fields, Golf Courses
- Best Use: Commercial, Golf Course Greens, Tees and Fairways

ESF Penn A4 Bentgrass is a creeping bentgrass with a dark green color and fine leaf texture. It is also known to have a high disease resistance and has a very aggressive growth habit. It is best used for putting greens and tees.
- Best Choice for Commercial
- Best Use: Parks, Golf Course Putting Greens and Tees

ESF Penncross Bentgrass has been a proven golf course turfgrass in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region for many years. It is very aggressive and has tremendous vigor and wear tolerance. This combination makes it natural for greens, as well as tees and fairways.
- Best Choice for Commercial, Industrial
- Best Use: Parks, Golf Courses Putting Greens and Tees

ESF Penneagle II Bentgrass was the first bentgrass variety explicitly developed for fairways. ESF Penneagle II is now available with the same strong characteristics as Penneagle but with better brown patch resistance.
- Best Choice for Residential, Commercial, Athletic Fields
- Best Use: Some Residential, Parks, Golf Course Greens, Tees, and Fairways

ESF T-1 Bentgrass is a creeping bentgrass with a very rich green color and is known for its tenacious ground coverage. ESF T-1 Bentgrass does very well in the Rocky Mountain Region. This sod is great on greens, tees, and fairways.
- Best Choice for Golf Courses, Commercial
- Best Use: Some Parks, Golf Course Greens, Tees, and Fairways
Emerald Sod Farms provides sod services from start to finish, no matter the size of the project.
Not sure what kind of sod will work best for your needs? Ask one of our sod specialists, and we’ll be happy to walk you through our blends. As leading Colorado sod suppliers, we have extensive knowledge of sod performance in various conditions, settings, and areas.
If you’re working within a budget, just let us know, and we’ll be sure to guide you in the right direction. Sod prices differ drastically depending on your needs. We’ll do whatever we can to get you the right sod at the right price.
If you need your sod grass delivered to your residential or commercial space, you can count on us. We have the experience and the vehicles and equipment necessary to get your sod delivered anywhere in the region safely. In the mountains? No problem. Across the state? That’s fine with us. Our sod professionals will take care of it and do all the heavy lifting so you can focus on other tasks.
We will make sure your sod purchase is convenient and easy to pick up, making the process as streamlined as possible so you can get on your way and dive into your project.
Our team is happy to expertly lay your sod under just about any condition or circumstance. Talk to us if you’d like us to prepare and lay your sod for the maximum in care and presentation. When we install our sod products in your area, you can rest assured it’s done with precision and thoughtfulness.
ESF is happy to continue to support you in your sod needs. We are here to guide and direct you so that you remain satisfied with your sod purchase. Have questions? Call us or stop in so we can help.